Judaic instruction
The secret of the Jewish people's persistence throughout history - through difficult periods of persecution and anti-Semitism, assimilation and survival - is phenomenal. Indeed, it has kept our people from washing away with the sands of time. That secret to the unbroken transmission of our heritage from one generation to the next is the special bond between parent and child-links in a chain from the beginning of time.
The success of the Cheder is tied directly to our children, teachers and parents. Our teachers are living examples of the lessons they teach. The joy and pride that they exude is infectious. We believe that through a healthy awareness of Jewish history and tradition, a child is opened to a greater sense of self and past. This awareness serves as a lens through which the student learns to make ethical decisions for themselves and their community. By establishing a foundation at an early age, children learn to move confidently through society with a wonderful set of resources at their disposal. For this reason we are not surprised when students are not the only ones asking questions. Parents like to learn as well.
Secular instruction
Teachers at Cheder have higher standards than those in many public and private schools, both academically and ethically. While our teachers follow the national and state standards as the platform to drive their curricula, students learn in exciting, tangible ways, with teachers pushing hard to integrate the material so that every subject dovetails into each grade's overall goals in history, language arts, math and science.
Done in a creative format, national, international, state and Jewish history are key for each grade's studies. Students research and perform vivid historical re-enactments to make the lessons of the past come to life. The preparation for these projects begins with the literature chosen paralleling the historical era of each grade.
Math and science also come in integrated units thanks to the creativity of our teachers. Our teachers are able to integrate general science ideas throughout every grade, thanks to hands-on science projects that increase in complexity. The wonder of the universe remains not only spiritual but is broadened through scientific exploration.
Critical thinking, while an integral part of all learning, is an essential tool in writing. Teachers stress writing and research for papers to integrate with all subjects. The focus on writing is two-fold. One is to teach students to take risks, creatively. The second is to learn writing, not as an abstract skill, but as a tool used in context. Using both the creative and the concrete methods enables students to be effective, life-long communicators.