Kaddish and Memorial Services


In recent years, we have received multiple requests to recite Kaddish and memorial services for the departed who have no direct male heirs to recite Kaddish for them, or, for whatever reason, can not say kaddish for them.

Cheder Lubavitch's Kaddish programs include full year Kaddish as well as annual Yahrzeit Kaddish and memorial candle lighting.

We proudly continue this tradition of service. All revenues for these services are allocated 100% to our educational programs.

Interested parties are encouraged to contact Rabbi Yitzchok Wolf on a pre-need basis, or following the passing of a loved one.

You may arrange for Kaddish and memorial services online, by filling out the Kaddish form or by phone: 847-675-6777 ext. 222. 


Please choose your plan

First Year Kaddish Observance: $450.00
Recital of Kaddish and Mishna everyday for the first year (11 months)

Annual Kaddish Observance: $300.00
Recital of Kaddish and Mishnayos each year on the date of Yahrzeit

First Year and Annual Kaddish Observance: $720.00
Recital of Kaddish and Mishnayos everyday for the first year, and perpetual recital of Kaddish and Mishnayos each year on the date of Yahrzeit

Additional options:

Installation of Memorial Tablet: $500.00
in our school as a perpetual memorial


Please review your information carefully

Departed's Name*

Hebrew name of Departed

Hebrew Name of Departed's Father

Hebrew Name of Departed's Mother

Departed's Relationship to you*

Date of Passing*
Hebrew Date (if known)
Time of day*
Before SunsetAfter Sunset
Payment Information
First Name*
Last Name*
State* Zip Code*
This is my Home Business Address.

I would like to make a donation using Credit card Check
Total Amount*
Card Type *
Card Number*
Expiration Date*
CVV Code*

Relatives to be notified prior to Yahrzeit: (Name & Contact info)
Please contact me to discuss additional giving opportunities.
Recurring donation:
Please charge the above amount to my credit card each month for the next twelve months.