No. in Houshold
Max Income If...
You did not receive a Tax
Credit Scholarship for
Max Income If …
You received a Tax Credit
Scholarship for 2020/2021
1 |
$38,280 |
$51,040 |
2 |
$51,720 |
$68,960 |
3 |
$65,160 |
$86,880 |
4 |
$78,600 |
$104,800 |
5 |
$92,040 |
$122,720 |
6 |
$105,480 |
$140,640 |
7 |
$118,920 |
$158,560 |
8 |
$132,360 |
$176,480 |
9 |
$145,800 |
$194,400 |
10 |
$159,240 |
$212,320 |
11 |
$172,680 |
$230,240 |
12 |
$186,120 |
$248,160 |
13 |
$199,560 |
$266,080 |
14 |
$213,000 |
$284,000 |
15 |
$226,440 |
Enter Email Address /
Escriba su correo electrónico
Re-enter email address /
Confirme su correo electrónico
Enter number of people in household /
Ingrese el número de personas en su hogar
Households are defined as an individual or group of individuals living together in a room or group of rooms in a housing unit. / El Tamaño del Hogar se defina como todas personas que viven juntas en una unidad de vivienda.
Enter household income /
Ingrese el ingreso anual del su hogar
Do not include $, comma or decimals, No incluya $, comas, ni decimos
Enter street address /
Ingrese su dirección
Enter City /
Ingrese su Ciudad
Enter State /
Ingrese su Estado
Enter Zip /
Ingrese su código postal
County /
Seleccione el Condado en el que vive
Please review all information for accuracy, then click submit to determine if you meet the minimum requirements for a tax credit scholarship and to obtain your date-time stamp.
Por favor, repasa toda la información que haya entrada. Haga clic para determinar si esta elegible para solicitar para la beca de credito tributario y obtener su hora y fecha oficial.