Cheder Parent Teacher Association
PTA Mission Statement: The goal of the PTA at Cheder Lubavitch is to: Enhance the education and services for Cheder students and their parents, create a positive atmosphere and pride in Cheder and act as a liaison between teachers, parents and Cheder administration. Toward that end, annual PTA dues of $30 per family is collected at the beginning of the year at Lice Check.
There are many opportunities to get involved with your school through the PTA and earn valuable Give/Get at the same time. To sign up for the following available PTA Positions and arrange Give/Get credit, please call: Leah Stern, Libby Wolf or Chayale Lipskier.
Welcome To New Staff (1) $75 |
PTA Membership Dues Coordinator (1) $150 |
Girls Melava Malka Food Coordinators (3) $100 |
Purim Baskets Coordinator (2) $150 |
Teacher Appreciation Coordinator (1) $150 |
Simcha Gifts Coordinator (1) $125 |
Lice Check Coordinator (1) $250 |
Teacher’s Room Shopper - both buildings (1) $200 |
Class Mother Coordinator (1) $200 |
Graphic Designer (1) $100 |
Class Mother (1 per class) $150 |
Picnic BBQ Coordinator (3) $150 |
Banquet Set-up (3) $150 |
Tu B'Shvat Coordinator (1) $50 |